Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Retirement Should Be An OPTION FOR US

Retirement should be an option for us. Most Americans can not decide when to do so, because they are forced to keep working.

Why would be the reason that makes 95% of USA residents not independent about the moment for retirement?

Big part of this problem is that conventional financial advisers have been trained to advice that the key factor on making your wealth to grow is to find good returns in your investments.

This has proved to be wrong, most of the time just by looking at historical results. We have recent examples in the Stock Market and the Real Estate Area.

Not much attention apparently was paid to the risks involved. Returns are more based on an optimistic and irresponsible forecast.

Most financial advisors have been trained this way because they make much more money by giving providers (Banks, Traditional Insurance Companies and the Government) the control of your finances. Yes, yes, yes, you are giving up the control of your finances by establishing traditional financial processes.

You should get an expert non-conventional financial consultant who establishes unique financial processes in which you keep maximum control of your financial variables. Taking control means to put yourself in a position to reduce your money transfers where you have the choice to use your money or someone else’s money.

A money transfer is money that you are, unnecessarily or unknowingly, loosing in taxes, service fees, wrong financing, the way you pay your mortgage, etc.
An expert non-conventional financial consultant will recapture an important percentage of your cash flow to be put towards your accumulated and lifestyle money to improve Quality of Life and make Retirement a more independent decision.

When would be the best time to know more about it?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Commitment and Passion about What I Do & YOU

As you probably know, I am passionate about providing Non-Conventional Financial Solutions. The bottom line about what I do is “TO TURN YOUR CASH FLOW INTO A PROFIT CENTER” without tighten your belt and keep doing what you are good at it. (Other Assets or Businesses)

Our Life & Business Activities are overwhelmed with too much information to handle and too many activities to complete for our successful personal and wealth growth.

In order to facilitate this challenging objective, I am convinced that we need SOME HELP FROM THE ABUNDANT INTERNET TOOOLS available today.

My first steps were setting this email campaign to you and completing my new “Blog” page (
I promise to send you meaningful and practical information about what I do and my passion. I hope this information will be very helpful to you.

I will also use some other tools like Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc to exchange ideas, ask questions and exchange knowledge/solutions among other members of our virtual community. In other words, be better connected and fulfill your wants and needs.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Most People are so busy today that ...

They don't take the time to properly prepare for tomorrow.

TAKING MORE RISK is not a pleasant thought and neither is REDUCING PRESENT LIFESTYLE. There is ANOTHER OPTION that could petentially improve your current and future financial position WITHOUT AFFECTING YOUR WAY OF LIVING.

Preparing for tomorrow is doubly important because a dollar you didn't have to lose, you not only lose that dollar but also what that dollar could have earned for you.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Biggest Impact On Your Wealth Growth

What do you believe will have THE BIGGEST IMPACT

Many Financial Institutions and their advisors will make us believe that their PRODUCT RETURN is the answer to keep us searching for the "Product" with the highest return. This is traditional financial advising with an amount of risk involved.

We believe that there is a better way (Unconventional) to increase your ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH without risk involvement. This other way is being MORE EFFICIENT, avoiding the financial losses ahead. This will have a greater impact in your financial future than picking up the winners and without risk.

Telephone: (954) 554-6991