Saturday, October 5, 2013

Financial Paradigms 
on Creating Wealth 

Is Return the Most Important Factor on Growing Wealth ?

Let's say your family income is 100,000$ a year 
and you are one of the privilege savers in the USA, putting aside 5% , that is  $ 5,000 a year !!!

What would be on today's economy a good return with NO-Risk ?


How about 5% , that would mean 250$ on growth per year besides your 100,000$ Principal.
Would that be enough to make you, financial independent in a few years ?

Probably not ...

How different would it be if  I tell you, that I could recover 5,000$ out of your cash flow because of  damaging financing on your major purchases, taxes  that you could have legally saved (*),  certain fees, penalties, deductibles on your services and financial instruments that all together, create a considerable amount of money transfers (Losses).

 (*) Always consult your tax adviser

Now you have 5,000$ in your hands that you didn't have before. 
All of  a sudden, you increase your wealth from the 250$ generated previously by your savings, to an additional 5,000$ dollars that could be used for better financial decisions and 
to create a much brighter financial future. 
It is actually 20 times bigger than the 250$ amount 
and guess what, without taking any risk, 
because it was recovered, not even invested yet !

One question, what is better, the savings of 5% at 5% or the recovery of 5% on your cash flow ?

This is exactly what I do, Recover this mMney for You !!!

When do you want to know, 
if together, we could do better ?


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